speaker, teacher, muse
speaker, teacher, muse
speaker, teacher, muse
Words inspire action
Becky Blades captivates audiences large and small by igniting self-discovery. Using surprising stories, data, and her signature art, she gets audiences imagining and talking — to themselves, to their teams and to their best ideas. All so they can get ideas moving.
Becky taps the energy of her audience to get us thinking outside the room, or the Zoom. With fresh facts and challenges she shows us how to use the creative process to create our best work and live our best lives.

Becky Blades brings ideas
It begins with stARTistry®
The science, the process and the rewards of STARTING … they’re launching pads of the upbeat possibilities your group wants to hear.
Change mindsets and get a room full of ideas off the ground in one inspiration-packed session.
Becky Blades’ presentations are chock full of hacks, tips and inspiring takeaways. Her science-backed frameworks empower us to act on our ideas, big and small, at the best time of all: NOW.
Hear Becky talk about stARTing and creating with some of our favorite stARTistic podcasters.